Saturday, November 21, 2009


Ammon and Bethany, and then Ammon and Hannah, are dancing at Danya and Sam's wedding reception. How precious is this!!! Bethany and Hannah are my granddaughters, Ammon's nieces. It sure puts "joy in the journey"!


Eldredge Family said...

Hi Sister B!!!! I have been stocking your blog for a few days now! It is so fun to see all of your darling grandchildren and all of your children still at home! I love her little purse still on her arm while she is dancing! I love men that know how to dance so that makes me so happy to see your boys dancing! What perfect little gentlemen! Thank you for being such a great friend to me! I hope Spencer and me can follow in your footsteps.......!Have a great Sunday with all of your family!

Susan said...

These are the most beautiful pictures ever, but of course I'm a little bias. I showed Bethany these and asked who they were and she didn't recognize herself. She's so funny.

Nettie said...

I loved that experience. I was so touched by Ammon. He's a great little soul. The girls were so genuinely flattered...and SUCH GOOD DANCERS! I MEAN IT!