Wow, where has the time gone? Well, I did have a minor role in the production of Joseph. It was so fun and I actually did dance. I met many new friends and especially loved being in the play with my son Ammon. He did so great learning the music! The summer flew by. Dan was working in Las Vegas until August 12th. It was wonderful to have him home. He was then laid off again. Not so fun. But I am learning to trust my Heavenly Father. I am so grateful for good people in my life who fill me with smiles and hope.
I have to tell the funniest story. Well, it made me laugh. Last saturday I told the kids to help me get the house cleaned up. Layne volunteered to clean the hall bathroom. Great. He's 17. Should be able to handle that. He finished in good time and went on his merry way. I went in there later and noticed that the toilet was filthy at the base. What the heck? Didn't it just get cleaned. The top and inside looked pretty good. Hmmmm. So I grabbed a rag and some clorex clean-up and scrubbed the base and the floor. Man, it was gross. Later i asked layne why he didn't finish cleaning the toilet. He said he did. I asked him about the base and floor. His reply was that it doesn't get dirty down there. "What???", i said. Are you kidding me??? The boys use this bathroom primarily. He told me that pee does not get on that part of the toilet when the boys use the toilet. He informed me that they all pee'd inside the toilet. And he also let me know that if there was pee anywhere outside of the toilet bowl then it was the girls in the family missing the target. I said "Are you kidding me? Seriously!!!!" He is still certain that it is the girls that have poor pee control. I guess Emily and I should be more careful!
I don't think so. When we visited I know for a fact that is was a boy. I won't mention names. After he would come out I would go in and there would be pee on the seat. He is how old and he didn't lift the seat. IT DEFINITELY ISN'T THE GIRLS!!!!
That's hilarious! I love that kid. I hope he has a while passel of boys before he gets any girls so he can rethink his "no splash zone" theory.
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