Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I LOVE the Young Women in my ward!!!

Last night the YW in our ward were doing a service scavenger hunt. They came knocking on my door after I was already in my pajamas cuddling with my Banner. I opened up the door and there stood a group of young women with their leaders asking if they could do some chores for me. DOES LIFE GET ANY BETTER THAN THIS????? I tried to conceal my excitement so as not to scare them but I wanted to drag them in and lock the door. I thought "I wonder how long I can keep them here before anyone notices they are missing. And is it really felony kidnapping if I claim that they ASKED to come in and help?" I tried to breathe calmly as I looked at their list of chores they needed to accomplish and wondered if they would notice if I penciled in things that were not on the list. With glee I watched as they did my dishes, dusted my family room, vacummed my family room, washed some windows and read a story to Banner. Much to my dismay, it was over too soon. And as fast as these service angels came into my life, they were gone. I wanted to press my face against the window and call "Come back, Come back! I will be good to you. You will love it here. We need more girls!" Instead, I silently thanked Heavenly Father for these precious girls and their leaders and went back to cuddling with my little man. As we settled down he said to me, "Mom, They need to come back tomorrow and clean my room." Oh yes son, they do. And the bathroom.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Oh Banner, you always make me laugh. What a blessing mom.